Join Us in Building a Future of Hope!
For more than 130 years, Helping Hand Home has served the most vulnerable children in our community. But the crisis of children in need is growing, and our ability to reach them is limited.
Our Capital Campaign will enable us to serve more children, enhance their quality of care and build our capacity to support more families looking to foster and adopt.
To support our Capital Campaign, please contact Julie Metzger, jmetzger@helpinghandhome.org, 512-538-4744.
How to Donate/How to Make a Pledge:
1) Click the “Donate” Button below – write “Capital Campaign” in the Comments box
2) Mail in your check to 3804 Avenue B, Austin, TX 78751 made payable to Helping Hand Home with CC in the memo line
3) Call Elli Arimes at, 512-600-7897, to set up a monthly/yearly credit card payment schedule

We are deeply grateful thanks to the extensive support of our community, that we have been able to continue our capital campaign construction timeline as planned. With the oversight of Helping Hand Home’s Capital Campaign Committee, we have closely managed the timeline and progress with our many partners. Thank you to our incredible supporters and volunteers who have made this much needed expansion a reality!
Together, we will Build a Future of Hope

Some of our children have experience the worst of humanity. They come to live with us as victims of crime, often having suffered abuse and neglect at the hands of family members who should have been their protectors. The resulting trauma is often life shattering. We take those shattered lives and help begin the healing process. Through comprehensive, innovative services that care for the whole child, we equip them with tools to rebuild their lives so they can reclaim their futures. But that’s not all we do. We want to see every child in foster care, whether or not they live with us, find their forever home. That’s why we offer foster, adoption and family services, to support a child’s journey to a stable, loving and permanent home.
Everyone connected to Helping Hand Home, from the staff, to the volunteers, to the donors, know they have a significant opportunity to make a lasting difference in a child’s life. When children fail in other settings, they often thrive with us.
That’s why we like to say the Hope Happens Here ®. And, for more than 128 years we have been offering hope to the children of Central Texas. Our passion to serve has grown alongside the needs of our community. But each year we turn away nearly 100 children in need of residential treatment. And the crisis of children in foster care in our state is only growing. That’s why we’ve embarked on a 2020 Capital Campaign. This $14.8 million effort will enable us to serve more children, enhance their quality of care and build our capacity to serve more families looking to foster and adopt. The Capital Campaign will fund new housing, a new Education and Community Center, space for expanded foster and adoption services and a sustainability fund. Hope is already happening-but we need space for more. Join us in building a future of hope.
A Home for Hope

41% Increase in Capacity

We believe our children deserve to be nurtured in an environment that makes them feel safe, valued and loved. That’s why a high priority of this Capital Campaign is to build new housing that will create family-like spaces and individual bedrooms to help children heal and transition.
The project will fund the construction and furnishing of eight homes that will be built in four new unique “Tree Houses” surrounding a courtyard and green space for them to heal and flourish. Capacity will increase by 41% by adding additional bedrooms. Our 2020 Capital Campaign will enable us to serve more children and enhance their quality of care.
Finding Forever Homes
We want to see every child in foster care, whether or not they live with us, find their forever home. That’s why the Capital Campaign will enable us to grow our foster, adoption and family services.
This expansion will allow us to support more children on their journey to a stable, loving and permanent home, and ultimately will enable us to double the number of children served in this community-wide program.

Educating For Impact
Because of the residual impacts of the trauma they have faced, many of our children are not capable of attending traditional public school. We started our own onsite Charter School to help educate and equip them to prepare for the future. The Capital Campaign will fund a new Education Building that will replace portable buildings and include a state-of-the are education facility equipped to meet their unique learning needs. We are also a national model for best practices in dealing with children suffering from trauma. People come to us for our expertise in the most comprehensive, cutting-edge methods of treatment and care. That’s why our Education Building will also include a large education and learning center. Expanding our facilities will amplify our ability to train more people and impact more lives.

Modernizing for the Future
Our team of highly-skilled and trained therapists and therapeutic specialists offers around the clock care that is time and resource-intensive. In some of the most challenging circumstances our staff and volunteers show up and are present for our most vulnerable children.
The Capital Campaign will allow us to modernize facilities and expand our capacity to serve. This important effort will help us continue to attract the highest quality staff and volunteers our children deserve. This project will allow us to renovate our current facilities and create shell space for future expansion.
Sustaining Hope
Helping Hand Home has always been a thoughtful, strategic steward of our resources, growing our campus building-by-building. Our Capital Campaign capitalizes on these existing resources in efficient ways, making the most of valued land and space in the heart of Austin. With the expanded capacity to serve comes increased expenses. To ensure stability for the children and families we serve we will continue to be future-focused and ensure we can meet those expenses now and into the future.
A sustainability fund is vital to ensuring that once we build the future for hope-we can sustain it.
To support our Capital Campaign, please contact Julie Metzger, jmetzger@helpinghandhome.org, 512-538-4744.